(re)move host specific aliases
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 28 additions and 27 deletions
@ -11,5 +11,33 @@
# author: Daniel Sommer <daniel.sommer@velvettear.de>
# license: MIT
# ----- aliases ----- #
alias eza='eza --icons --group --time-style long-iso --octal-permissions --git'
alias ls='eza'
alias ll='eza --long'
alias la='eza --all'
alias lla='eza --long --all'
alias df='duf'
alias du='gdu'
alias grep='rg -P'
alias grepa='rg -P --hidden'
alias find='fd'
alias findf='fd --type file'
alias findd='fd --type directory'
alias findl='fd --type symlink'
alias finds='fd --type socket'
alias findp='fd --type pipe'
alias findx='fd --type executable'
alias finde='fd --type empty'
alias bat='bat --style header-filename,header-filesize,grid,snip,changes,numbers'
alias cat='bat'
alias batp='bat --style plain'
alias catp='batp'
alias pfetch='printf "\n" && pfetch'
alias fetch='pfetch'
alias stats='pfetch'
alias icat='kitten icat'
alias ssh='kitty +kitten ssh'
# ----- kde ----- #
[[ -z "${DISPLAY}" ]] && [[ "${XDG_VTNR}" -eq 1 ]] && echo "EXECUTING PLASMA!" >> /tmp/derp && exec /usr/lib/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland &> /dev/null
@ -27,34 +27,7 @@ alias cprf='cp -Rf'
alias mkdirp='mkdir -p'
alias vi='nvim'
alias vim='nvim'
alias eza='eza --icons --group --time-style long-iso --octal-permissions --git'
alias ls='eza'
alias ll='eza --long'
alias la='eza --all'
alias lla='eza --long --all'
alias pacsearch='pacman -Q | grep '
alias df='duf'
alias du='gdu'
alias grep='rg -P'
alias grepa='rg -P --hidden'
alias find='fd'
alias findf='fd --type file'
alias findd='fd --type directory'
alias findl='fd --type symlink'
alias finds='fd --type socket'
alias findp='fd --type pipe'
alias findx='fd --type executable'
alias finde='fd --type empty'
alias diff='diff --color=auto'
alias bat='bat --style header-filename,header-filesize,grid,snip,changes,numbers'
alias cat='bat'
alias batp='bat --style plain'
alias catp='batp'
alias pfetch='printf "\n" && pfetch'
alias fetch='pfetch'
alias stats='pfetch'
alias icat='kitten icat'
alias ssh='kitty +kitten ssh'
alias update='$HOME/.dots/scripts/update/update.sh'
# ----- conf.d ----- #
Reference in a new issue