#!/usr/bin/env zsh # author: Daniel Sommer # license: MIT ariang="/srv/ariang" user="nginx" [[ ! -e "$ariang" ]] && printf "> error: directory '"$ariang"' does not exist\n" 1>&2 && exit 1 file="$(find $ariang -type f -iname 'aria-ng*.min.js' -exec realpath {} \;)" [[ -z "$file" ]] && printf "> error: could not determine file to extract the current version from\n" 1>&2 && exit 1 current_version="$(awk -F'buildVersion:"|\",buildCommit' '{print $2}' "$file" | xargs | cut -d "v" -f2)" [[ -z "$current_version" ]] && printf "> error: could not determine current version\n" 1>&2 && exit 1 latest_release="$(curl -s -L https://api.github.com/repos/mayswind/AriaNg/releases/latest | grep tag_name | cut -d "\"" -f4 | cut -d "v" -f2)" [[ -z "$latest_release" ]] && printf "> error: could not determine latest release\n" 1>&2 && exit 1 [[ "$current_version" == "$latest_release" ]] && printf "> current version '"$current_version"' is already up to date\n" && exit 0 tmp="$(mktemp -d)" printf "> downloading latest release '"$latest_release"' to temporary directory '"$tmp"'..." curl -s -L -o "$tmp/ariang-$latest_release.zip" "https://github.com/mayswind/AriaNg/releases/download/$latest_release/AriaNg-$latest_release.zip" &> /dev/null [[ "$?" != "0" ]] && printf " error!\n" 1>&2 && exit 1 printf " done!\n" printf "> extracting downloaded archive..." cd "$tmp" unzip "ariang-$latest_release.zip" &> /dev/null [[ "$?" != "0" ]] && printf " error!\n" 1>&2 && exit 1 rm -rf "ariang-$latest_release.zip" &> /dev/null printf " done!\n" printf "> moving extracted files..." rm -rf "$ariang" &> /dev/null mv "$tmp" "$ariang" &> /dev/null printf " done!\n" printf "> setting correct permissions..." chown -R "$user":"$user" "$ariang" printf " done!\n"