directories: home: /tmp/badger # badger home directory library: /run/media/velvettear/ext1tb_elements/badger # music library import: /tmp/badger/import # import directory duplicates: /tmp/badger/duplicates # duplicates directory database: file: /tmp/badger/badger.sqlite # path to the sqlite database file inMemory: true # use an in memory sqlite database chunkSize: 1000 # chunk size of database entries to copy into the in memory sqlite database busyTimeout: 10000 # busy timeout for the sqlite database ( journalMode: off # journal mode for the sqlite database ( library: formats: # array of file formats to parse - flac - mp3 changedetection: modified: true # check for file changes by the modified time stamp size: true # check for file changes by the file size checksum: false # check for file changes by checksum ( duplicates: action: log # action to perform on found duplicates formatMismatch: true # check only files with non matching file formats useFingerprint: true # check for duplicates by comparing audio fingerprints fingerprintThreshold: 0.95 # threshold score for the fingerprint comparison api: listen: # listen address of the api server port: 3333 # port of the api server concurrency: 2 # amount of concurrent ffprobe/fpcalc processes or goroutines for fingerprint comparison to spawn debug: true # enable or disable debug mode