# blinky control your blinkstick via http requests ## requirements - nodejs - yarn / npm - [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) **the node-hid module is a bit picky about node.js's version - use node.js 8.x or 15.x** ## setup - clone the project `git clone https://git.velvettear.de/velvettear/blinky.git` - enter the cloned directory `cd blinky` - install and switch to a supported node.js version (automatically done via .nvmrc file) `nvm install` - install the required modules `npm install` - switch back to your system's default node.js version `nvm deactivate` - run it `nvm run 15 blinky.js` ### scripts - blinky-feed.sh - gathers various system information (currently temperature only) then converts it to color values and sends it to blinky - requirements: bash, bc