{ "server": { "listen": "", "port": 3000 }, "blinkstick": { "cache": true, "map": [ { "id": "square", "serial": "BS006537-3.0" }, { "id": "strip", "serial": "BS042165-3.0" } ], "serials": [ "BS006537-3.0" ] }, "log": { "level": "debug", "timestamp": "DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss:SS" }, "api": { "get": { "description": "show this page" }, "post": { "endpoints": [ "/set", "/morph", "/blink", "/pulse", "/poweroff" ], "color": { "available": "random, hex color codes (#ffffff), rgb color codes (255, 255, 255)", "default": "random", "description": "specifies the color to change to" }, "index": { "available": "number values", "default": "all", "description": "specifies the led index / defaults to all leds" }, "duration": { "available": "number values", "default": 1000, "description": "specifies the duration of the color change animation in milliseconds" }, "steps": { "available": "number values", "default": "[duration] / 10", "description": "specifies the number of steps for the color change" }, "repeats": { "restrictions": "blink, pulse", "available": "number values", "default": "0 (infinite)", "description": "specifies the number of blinks/pulses" }, "delay": { "restrictions": "blink", "available": "number values", "default": "500", "description": "delay between blinks in milliseconds " } } } }