const packageJSON = require("./package.json"); const configJSON = require("./config.json"); const logger = require("./libs/logger.js"); const fritzbox = require("./libs/fritzbox.js"); const draytek = require("./libs/draytek.js"); const notification = require("./libs/notify.js"); const timediff = require("./libs/timediff.js"); const INTERRUPTS = ["beforeExit", "SIGINT", "SIGTERM"]; global.appName =; global.appVersion = packageJSON.version; global.config = configJSON; let offlineTimestamp; let rebootError; main(); async function main() { handleExit(); try { logger.initialize(configJSON); "launching " + global.appName + " " + global.appVersion + "..." ); mainLoop(); } catch (err) { await exit(1, err); } } async function mainLoop() { const isOnline = await draytek.isOnline(); if (!isOnline) { if (offlineTimestamp) { logger.warn( "draytek seems to be still not responding after " + timediff.inSeconds(offlineTimestamp) + " seconds!" ); } else { offlineTimestamp =; const msg = "draytek seems to be not responding!"; logger.warn(msg); await notification.send( "draytek offline!", msg + "\nwaiting for it to come back online...", "max", "scream" ); } } else { if (offlineTimestamp) { const msg = "draytek is responding again after " + timediff.inSeconds(offlineTimestamp) + " seconds!";; if (!rebootError) { notification.send( "rebooting fritzbox...", msg + "\nrebooting fritzbox now...", undefined, "roll_eyes" ); } const err = await fritzbox.reboot(); if (err) { rebootError = err; notification.send("error rebooting fritzbox!", err, "max", "sob"); } else { notification.send( "fritzbox rebooted!", "successfully rebooted device, the phones should now work again!", "max", "partying_face" ); offlineTimestamp = undefined; rebootError = undefined; } } } setTimeout(() => { mainLoop(); }, configJSON.interval); } async function handleExit() { for (var index = 0; index < INTERRUPTS.length; index++) { process.on(INTERRUPTS[index], async (code) => { await exit(code); }); } } async function exit(code, err) { await fritzbox.quit(); if (code === undefined) { code = 0; if (err) { code = 1; } } if (err) { logger.error(err); logger.error( global.appName + " " + global.appVersion + " ended due to an error" ); } else { global.appName + " " + global.appVersion + " shutting down gracefully" ); } process.exit(code); }