# godyn a simple server and client for dynamic dns updates. --- the server simply responds to http requests with your current ip address. --- the client sends a http request to a defined server to get your current remote/wan ip adress and sends an update to your dyndns provider if it has changed. **note:** godyn in client mode expects the return value from the remote/wan ip provider to be a single line which contains the ip address (same return value like godyn in server mode or `curl https://icanhazip.com`). ## run `godyn [options] ` ### options / modes | type | short | long | description | | -------| ----- | ---------| --------------------------------------- | | option | -h | --help | print the help | | option | -y | --yaml | specifiy the path to a config.yaml file | | mode | -s | --server | start godyn in server mode | | mode | -c | --client | start godyn in client mode |