# gosplash a simple tool to download images from [unsplash](https://unsplash.com). ## usage `gosplash [output]` **note:** if `[output]` is not specified gosplash will download images to the current working directory with the name (slug) provided by unsplash. ## api key [register](https://unsplash.com/oauth/applications) an application for free to get your api key. **the api key must be provided to gosplash via the environment variable `GOSPLASH_APIKEY`!** ## environment variables | variable | default | description | | --------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | GOSPLASH_APIKEY | | your api (access) key | | GOSPLASH_QUERY | | limit selection to images matching the search term | | GOSPLASH_COUNT | 10 | number of images to download (1-10) |