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2024-05-28 13:48:19 +02:00
# id3tool
a simple cli tool to clean id3 tags (v23 / v24) from '.mp3' and '.flac' files.
## usage
id3tool [options] \<directory\>
### options
- -h | --help: print help
- -d | --debug: enable debug mode
- -f | --frames: frames to keep (comma separated list)
if nothing is specified via the `--frames` option the following frames will be kept:
`APIC`, `TALB`, `TCON`, `TDAT`, `TDRC`, `TIT2`, `TPOS`, `TPE1`, `TPE2`, `TRCK`
### available frames
- Attached picture -> `APIC`
- Chapters -> `CHAP`
- Comments -> `COMM`
- Album/Movie/Show title -> `TALB`
- BPM -> `TBPM`
- Composer -> `TCOM`
- Content type -> `TCON`
- Copyright message -> `TCOP`
- Date -> `TDAT`
- Playlist delay -> `TDLY`
- Encoded by -> `TENC`
- Lyricist/Text writer -> `TEXT`
- File type -> `TFLT`
- Time -> `TIME`
- Content group description -> `TIT1`
- Title/Songname/Content description -> `TIT2`
- Subtitle/Description refinement -> `TIT3`
- Initial key -> `TKEY`
- Language -> `TLAN`
- Length -> `TLEN`
- Media type -> `TMED`
- Original album/movie/show title -> `TOAL`
- Original filename -> `TOFN`
- Original lyricist/text writer -> `TOLY`
- Original artist/performer -> `TOPE`
- Original release year -> `TORY`
- Popularimeter -> `POPM`
- File owner/licensee -> `TOWN`
- Lead artist/Lead performer/Soloist/Performing group -> `TPE1`
- Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment -> `TPE2`
- Conductor/performer refinement -> `TPE3`
- Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by -> `TPE4`
- Part of a set -> `TPOS`
- Publisher -> `TPUB`
- Track number/Position in set -> `TRCK`
- Recording dates -> `TRDA`
- Internet radio station name -> `TRSN`
- Internet radio station owner -> `TRSO`
- Size -> `TSIZ`
- ISRC -> `TSRC`
- Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding -> `TSSE`
- Year -> `TYER`
- User defined text information frame -> `TXXX`
- Unique file identifier -> `UFID`
- Unsynchronised lyrics/text transcription -> `USLT`
- Artist -> `TPE1`
- Title -> `TIT2`
- Genre -> `TCON`
- Attached picture -> `APIC`
- Chapters -> `CHAP`
- Comments -> `COMM`
- Album/Movie/Show title -> `TALB`
- BPM -> `TBPM`
- Composer -> `TCOM`
- Content type -> `TCON`
- Copyright message -> `TCOP`
- Encoding time -> `TDEN`
- Playlist delay -> `TDLY`
- Original release time -> `TDOR`
- Recording time -> `TDRC`
- Release time -> `TDRL`
- Tagging time -> `TDTG`
- Encoded by -> `TENC`
- Lyricist/Text writer -> `TEXT`
- File type -> `TFLT`
- Involved people list -> `TIPL`
- Content group description -> `TIT1`
- Title/Songname/Content description -> `TIT2`
- Subtitle/Description refinement -> `TIT3`
- Initial key -> `TKEY`
- Language -> `TLAN`
- Length -> `TLEN`
- Musician credits list -> `TMCL`
- Media type -> `TMED`
- Mood -> `TMOO`
- Original album/movie/show title -> `TOAL`
- Original filename -> `TOFN`
- Original lyricist/text writer -> `TOLY`
- Original artist/performer -> `TOPE`
- Popularimeter -> `POPM`
- File owner/licensee -> `TOWN`
- Lead artist/Lead performer/Soloist/Performing group -> `TPE1`
- Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment -> `TPE2`
- Conductor/performer refinement -> `TPE3`
- Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by -> `TPE4`
- Part of a set -> `TPOS`
- Produced notice -> `TPRO`
- Publisher -> `TPUB`
- Track number/Position in set -> `TRCK`
- Internet radio station name -> `TRSN`
- Internet radio station owner -> `TRSO`
- Album sort order -> `TSOA`
- Performer sort order -> `TSOP`
- Title sort order -> `TSOT`
- ISRC -> `TSRC`
- Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding -> `TSSE`
- Set subtitle -> `TSST`
- User defined text information frame -> `TXXX`
- Unique file identifier -> `UFID`
- Unsynchronised lyrics/text transcription -> `USLT`
- Date -> `TDRC`
- Time -> `TDRC`
- Original release year -> `TDOR`
- Recording dates -> `TDRC`
- Size -> ``
- Year -> `TDRC`
- Artist -> `TPE1`
- Title -> `TIT2`
- Genre -> `TCON`