import { Writable, WritableOptions } from 'stream'; declare namespace Speaker { interface Options extends WritableOptions { readonly channels?: number; readonly bitDepth?: number; readonly sampleRate?: number; readonly lowWaterMark?: number; readonly highWaterMark?: number; } interface Format { readonly float?: boolean; readonly signed?: boolean; readonly bitDepth?: number; readonly channels?: number; readonly sampleRate?: number; readonly samplesPerFrame?: number; } } /** * The `Speaker` class accepts raw PCM data written to it, and then sends that data * to the default output device of the OS. * * @param opts options. */ declare class Speaker extends Writable { constructor(opts?: Speaker.Options); /** * Closes the audio backend. Normally this function will be called automatically * after the audio backend has finished playing the audio buffer through the * speakers. * * @param flush Defaults to `true`. */ public close(flush: boolean): string; /** * Returns the `MPG123_ENC_*` constant that corresponds to the given "format" * object, or `null` if the format is invalid. * * @param format format object with `channels`, `sampleRate`, `bitDepth`, etc. * @return MPG123_ENC_* constant, or `null` */ public getFormat(format: Speaker.Format): number | null; /** * Returns whether or not "format" is playable via the "output module" * that was selected during compilation. * * @param format MPG123_ENC_* format constant * @return whether or not is playable */ public isSupported(format: number): boolean; } export = Speaker