/* getlopt: command line option/parameter parsing copyright ?-2008 by the mpg123 project - free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or http://mpg123.org initially written Oliver Fromme old timestamp: Tue Apr 8 07:15:13 MET DST 1997 */ #include #include "config.h" #include "getlopt.h" #include "compat.h" #include "debug.h" int loptind = 1; /* index in argv[] */ int loptchr = 0; /* index in argv[loptind] */ char *loptarg; /* points to argument if present, else to option */ topt *findopt (int islong, char *opt, topt *opts) { if (!opts) return (0); while (opts->lname) { if (islong) { if (!strcmp(opts->lname, opt)) return (opts); } else if (opts->sname == *opt) return (opts); opts++; } return (0); } int performoption (int argc, char *argv[], topt *opt) { int result = GLO_CONTINUE; /* this really is not supposed to happen, so the exit may be justified to create asap ficing pressure */ #define prog_error() \ { \ fprintf(stderr, __FILE__ ":%i Option without type flag! This is a programming error! Developer: fix this ASAP to regain your honor.\n", __LINE__); \ exit(1); \ } if (!(opt->flags & GLO_ARG)) { /* doesn't take argument */ if (opt->var) { if (opt->flags & GLO_CHAR) /* var is *char */ { debug1("char at %p", opt->var); *((char *) opt->var) = (char) opt->value;\ } else if(opt->flags & GLO_LONG) { debug1("long at %p", opt->var); *( (long *) opt->var ) = opt->value; } else if(opt->flags & GLO_INT) { debug1("int at %p", opt->var); *( (int *) opt->var ) = (int) opt->value; } /* GLO_DOUBLE is not supported here */ else prog_error(); debug("casting assignment done"); } else result = opt->value ? opt->value : opt->sname; } else { /* requires argument */ if (loptind >= argc) return (GLO_NOARG); loptarg = argv[loptind++]+loptchr; loptchr = 0; if (opt->var) { if (opt->flags & GLO_CHAR) /* var is *char */ *((char **) opt->var) = strdup(loptarg); /* valgrind claims lost memory here */ else if(opt->flags & GLO_LONG) *((long *) opt->var) = atol(loptarg); else if(opt->flags & GLO_INT) *((int *) opt->var) = atoi(loptarg); else if(opt->flags & GLO_DOUBLE) *((double *) opt->var) = atof(loptarg); else prog_error(); } else result = opt->value ? opt->value : opt->sname; } if (opt->func) opt->func(loptarg); return (result); } int getsingleopt (int argc, char *argv[], topt *opts) { char *thisopt; topt *opt; static char shortopt[2] = {0, 0}; if (loptind >= argc) return (GLO_END); thisopt = argv[loptind]; debug1("getsingleopt: %s", thisopt); if (!loptchr) { /* start new option string */ if (thisopt[0] != '-' || !thisopt[1]) /* no more options */ return (GLO_END); if (thisopt[1] == '-') { /* "--" */ if (thisopt[2]) { /* long option */ loptarg = thisopt+2; loptind++; if (!(opt = findopt(1, thisopt+2, opts))) return (GLO_UNKNOWN); else return (performoption(argc, argv, opt)); } else { /* "--" == end of options */ loptind++; return (GLO_END); } } else /* start short option(s) */ loptchr = 1; } shortopt[0] = thisopt[loptchr]; loptarg = shortopt; opt = findopt(0, thisopt+(loptchr++), opts); if (!thisopt[loptchr]) { loptind++; loptchr = 0; } if (!opt) return (GLO_UNKNOWN); else return (performoption(argc, argv, opt)); } int getlopt (int argc, char *argv[], topt *opts) { int result; while ((result = getsingleopt(argc, argv, opts)) == GLO_CONTINUE); return (result); } /* EOF */