#include "config.h" #include "mpg123.h" #include "mpg123app.h" #include "httpget.h" #include "debug.h" #include "resolver.h" #include "compat.h" #include #if defined (WANT_WIN32_SOCKETS) #ifdef DEBUG #define msgme(x) win32_net_msg(x,__FILE__,__LINE__) #define msgme1 win32_net_msg(1,__FILE__,__LINE__) #define msgme_sock_err(x) if ((x)==SOCKET_ERROR) {msgme1;} #else #define msgme(x) x #define msgme1 do{} while(0) #define msgme_sock_err(x) x #endif struct ws_local { int inited; SOCKET local_socket; /*stores last connet in win32_net_open_connection*/ WSADATA wsadata; }; static struct ws_local ws; #ifdef DEBUG static void win32_net_msg (const int err, const char * const filedata, const int linedata) { char *errbuff; int lc_err; if (err) { lc_err = WSAGetLastError(); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, lc_err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &errbuff, 0, NULL ); fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%d] [WSA2: %d] %s", filedata, linedata, lc_err, errbuff); LocalFree (errbuff); } } #endif void win32_net_init (void) { ws.inited = 1; switch ((WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &ws.wsadata))) { case WSASYSNOTREADY: debug("WSAStartup failed with WSASYSNOTREADY"); break; case WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: debug("WSAStartup failed with WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED"); break; case WSAEINPROGRESS: debug("WSAStartup failed with WSAEINPROGRESS"); break; case WSAEPROCLIM: debug("WSAStartup failed with WSAEPROCLIM"); break; case WSAEFAULT: debug("WSAStartup failed with WSAEFAULT"); break; default: break; } } void win32_net_deinit (void) { debug("Begin winsock cleanup"); if (ws.inited) { if (ws.inited >= 2 && ws.local_socket != SOCKET_ERROR) { debug1("ws.local_socket = %"SIZE_P"", (size_p)ws.local_socket); msgme_sock_err(shutdown(ws.local_socket, SD_BOTH)); win32_net_close(ws.local_socket); } WSACleanup(); ws.inited = 0; } } void win32_net_close (int sock) { msgme_sock_err(closesocket(ws.local_socket)); } static void win32_net_nonblock(int sock) { u_long mode = 1; msgme_sock_err(ioctlsocket(ws.local_socket, FIONBIO, &mode)); } static void win32_net_block(int sock) { u_long mode = 0; msgme_sock_err(ioctlsocket(ws.local_socket, FIONBIO, &mode)); } ssize_t win32_net_read (int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte) { debug1("Attempting to read %"SIZE_P" bytes from network.", (size_p)nbyte); ssize_t ret; msgme_sock_err(ret = (ssize_t) recv(ws.local_socket, buf, nbyte, 0)); debug1("Read %"SSIZE_P" bytes from network.", (ssize_p)ret); return ret; } static int get_sock_ch (int sock) { char c; int ret; msgme_sock_err(ret = recv (ws.local_socket, &c, 1, 0)); if (ret == 1) return (((int) c)&0xff); return -1; } /* Addapted from from newlib*/ char *win32_net_fgets(char *s, int n, int stream) { char c = 0; char *buf; buf = s; debug1("Pseudo net fgets attempts to read %d bytes from network.", n - 1); while (--n > 0 && (c = get_sock_ch (stream)) != -1) { *s++ = c; if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') break; } debug1("Pseudo net fgets got %"SIZE_P" bytes.", (size_p)(s - buf)); if (c == -1 && s == buf) { debug("Pseudo net fgets met a premature end."); return NULL; } *s = 0; return buf; } ssize_t win32_net_write (int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte) { debug1("Attempting to write %"SIZE_P" bytes to network.", (size_p)nbyte); ssize_t ret; msgme_sock_err((ret = (ssize_t) send(ws.local_socket, buf, nbyte, 0))); debug1("wrote %"SSIZE_P" bytes to network.", (ssize_t)ret); return ret; } off_t win32_net_lseek (int a, off_t b, int c) { debug("lseek on a socket called!"); return -1; } void win32_net_replace (mpg123_handle *fr) { debug("win32_net_replace ran"); mpg123_replace_reader(fr, win32_net_read, win32_net_lseek); } static int win32_net_timeout_connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, socklen_t addrlen) { debug("win32_net_timeout_connect ran"); if(param.timeout > 0) { int err; win32_net_nonblock(ws.local_socket); err = connect(ws.local_socket, serv_addr, addrlen); if(err != SOCKET_ERROR) { debug("immediately successful"); win32_net_block(ws.local_socket); return 0; } else if(WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) /*WSAEINPROGRESS would not work here for some reason*/ { struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; tv.tv_sec = param.timeout; tv.tv_usec = 0; debug("in progress, waiting..."); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(ws.local_socket, &fds); err = select(ws.local_socket+1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &tv); if(err != SOCKET_ERROR) { socklen_t len = sizeof(err); if((getsockopt(ws.local_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&err, &len) != SOCKET_ERROR) && (err == 0) ) { debug("non-blocking connect has been successful"); win32_net_block(ws.local_socket); return 0; } else { //error1("connection error: %s", msgme(err)); return -1; } } else if(err == 0) { error("connection timed out"); return -1; } else { /*error1("error from select(): %s", strerror(errno));*/ debug("error from select():"); msgme1; return -1; } } else { /*error1("connection failed: %s", strerror(errno));*/ debug("connection failed: "); msgme1; return err; } } else { if(connect(ws.local_socket, serv_addr, addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { /*error1("connecton failed: %s", strerror(errno));*/ debug("connecton failed"); msgme1; return -1; } else { debug("win32_net_timeout_connect succeed"); return 0; /* _good_ */ } } } static int win32_net_open_connection(mpg123_string *host, mpg123_string *port) { struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *addr, *addrlist; SOCKET addrcount; ws.local_socket = SOCKET_ERROR; if(param.verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "Note: Attempting new-style connection to %s\n", host->p); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* We accept both IPv4 and IPv6 ... and perhaps IPv8;-) */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; debug2("Atempt resolve/connect to %s:%s", host->p, port->p); msgme(addrcount = getaddrinfo(host->p, port->p, &hints, &addrlist)); if(addrcount == INVALID_SOCKET) { error3("Resolving %s:%s: %s", host->p, port->p, gai_strerror(addrcount)); return -1; } addr = addrlist; while(addr != NULL) { ws.local_socket = socket(addr->ai_family, addr->ai_socktype, addr->ai_protocol); if (ws.local_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { msgme1; } else { if(win32_net_timeout_connect(ws.local_socket, addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen) == 0) break; debug("win32_net_timeout_connect error, closing socket"); win32_net_close(ws.local_socket); ws.local_socket=SOCKET_ERROR; } addr=addr->ai_next; } if(ws.local_socket == SOCKET_ERROR) {error2("Cannot resolve/connect to %s:%s!", host->p, port->p);} else { ws.inited = 2; } freeaddrinfo(addrlist); return 1; } static size_t win32_net_readstring (mpg123_string *string, size_t maxlen, FILE *f) { debug2("Attempting readstring on %d for %"SIZE_P" bytes", f ? fileno(f) : -1, (size_p)maxlen); int err; string->fill = 0; while(maxlen == 0 || string->fill < maxlen) { if(string->size-string->fill < 1) if(!mpg123_grow_string(string, string->fill+4096)) { error("Cannot allocate memory for reading."); string->fill = 0; return 0; } err = win32_net_read(0,string->p+string->fill,1); /*fd is ignored */ /* Whoa... reading one byte at a time... one could ensure the line break in another way, but more work. */ if( err == 1) { string->fill++; if(string->p[string->fill-1] == '\n') break; } else if(errno != EINTR) { error("Error reading from socket or unexpected EOF."); string->fill = 0; /* bail out to prevent endless loop */ return 0; } } if(!mpg123_grow_string(string, string->fill+1)) { string->fill=0; } else { string->p[string->fill] = 0; string->fill++; } return string->fill; } static int win32_net_writestring (int fd, mpg123_string *string) { size_t result, bytes; char *ptr = string->p; bytes = string->fill ? string->fill-1 : 0; while(bytes) { result = win32_net_write(ws.local_socket, ptr, bytes); if(result < 0 && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEINTR) { perror ("writing http string"); return FALSE; } else if(result == 0) { error("write: socket closed unexpectedly"); return FALSE; } ptr += result; bytes -= result; } return TRUE; } static int win32_net_resolve_redirect(mpg123_string *response, mpg123_string *request_url, mpg123_string *purl) { debug1("request_url:%s", request_url->p); /* initialized with full old url */ if(!mpg123_copy_string(request_url, purl)) return FALSE; /* We may strip it down to a prefix ot totally. */ if(strncasecmp(response->p, "Location: http://", 17)) { /* OK, only partial strip, need prefix for relative path. */ char* ptmp = NULL; /* though it's not RFC (?), accept relative URIs as wget does */ fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: no complete URL in redirect, constructing one\n"); /* not absolute uri, could still be server-absolute */ /* I prepend a part of the request... out of the request */ if(response->p[10] == '/') { /* only prepend http://server/ */ /* I null the first / after http:// */ ptmp = strchr(purl->p+7,'/'); if(ptmp != NULL){ purl->fill = ptmp-purl->p+1; purl->p[purl->fill-1] = 0; } } else { /* prepend http://server/path/ */ /* now we want the last / */ ptmp = strrchr(purl->p+7, '/'); if(ptmp != NULL){ purl->fill = ptmp-purl->p+2; purl->p[purl->fill-1] = 0; } } } else purl->fill = 0; debug1("prefix=%s", purl->fill ? purl->p : ""); if(!mpg123_add_string(purl, response->p+10)) return FALSE; debug1(" purl: %s", purl->p); debug1("old request_url: %s", request_url->p); return TRUE; } int win32_net_http_open(char* url, struct httpdata *hd) { mpg123_string purl, host, port, path; mpg123_string request, response, request_url; mpg123_string httpauth1; ws.local_socket = SOCKET_ERROR; int oom = 0; int relocate, numrelocs = 0; int got_location = FALSE; /* workaround for http://www.global24music.com/rautemusik/files/extreme/isdn.pls this site's apache gives me a relocation to the same place when I give the port in Host request field for the record: Apache/2.0.51 (Fedora) */ int try_without_port = 0; mpg123_init_string(&purl); mpg123_init_string(&host); mpg123_init_string(&port); mpg123_init_string(&path); mpg123_init_string(&request); mpg123_init_string(&response); mpg123_init_string(&request_url); mpg123_init_string(&httpauth1); /* Get initial info for proxy server. Once. */ if(hd->proxystate == PROXY_UNKNOWN && !proxy_init(hd)) goto exit; if(!translate_url(url, &purl)){ oom=1; goto exit; } /* Don't confuse the different auth strings... */ if(!split_url(&purl, &httpauth1, NULL, NULL, NULL) ){ oom=1; goto exit; } /* "GET http://" 11 * " HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: /\r\n" * 26 + PACKAGE_NAME + PACKAGE_VERSION * accept header + accept_length() * "Authorization: Basic \r\n" 23 * "\r\n" 2 * ... plus the other predefined header lines */ /* Just use this estimate as first guess to reduce malloc calls in string library. */ { size_t length_estimate = 62 + strlen(PACKAGE_NAME) + strlen(PACKAGE_VERSION) + accept_length() + strlen(CONN_HEAD) + strlen(icy_yes) + purl.fill; if( !mpg123_grow_string(&request, length_estimate) || !mpg123_grow_string(&response,4096) ) { oom=1; goto exit; } } do { /* Storing the request url, with http:// prepended if needed. */ /* used to be url here... seemed wrong to me (when loop advanced...) */ if(strncasecmp(purl.p, "http://", 7) != 0) mpg123_set_string(&request_url, "http://"); else mpg123_set_string(&request_url, ""); mpg123_add_string(&request_url, purl.p); if (hd->proxystate >= PROXY_HOST) { /* We will connect to proxy, full URL goes into the request. */ if( !mpg123_copy_string(&hd->proxyhost, &host) || !mpg123_copy_string(&hd->proxyport, &port) || !mpg123_set_string(&request, "GET ") || !mpg123_add_string(&request, request_url.p) ) { oom=1; goto exit; } } else { /* We will connect to the host from the URL and only the path goes into the request. */ if(!split_url(&purl, NULL, &host, &port, &path)){ oom=1; goto exit; } if( !mpg123_set_string(&request, "GET ") || !mpg123_add_string(&request, path.p) ) { oom=1; goto exit; } } if(!fill_request(&request, &host, &port, &httpauth1, &try_without_port)){ oom=1; goto exit; } httpauth1.fill = 0; /* We use the auth data from the URL only once. */ debug2("attempting to open_connection to %s:%s", host.p, port.p); win32_net_open_connection(&host, &port); if(ws.local_socket == SOCKET_ERROR) { error1("Unable to establish connection to %s", host.fill ? host.p : ""); goto exit; } debug("win32_net_open_connection succeed"); #define http_failure win32_net_close(ws.local_socket); ws.local_socket=SOCKET_ERROR; goto exit; if(param.verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr, "HTTP request:\n%s\n",request.p); if(!win32_net_writestring(ws.local_socket, &request)){ http_failure; } debug("Skipping fdopen for WSA sockets"); relocate = FALSE; /* Arbitrary length limit here... */ #define safe_readstring \ win32_net_readstring(&response, SIZE_MAX/16, NULL); \ if(response.fill > SIZE_MAX/16) /* > because of appended zero. */ \ { \ error("HTTP response line exceeds max. length"); \ http_failure; \ } \ else if(response.fill == 0) \ { \ error("readstring failed"); \ http_failure; \ } \ if(param.verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr, "HTTP in: %s", response.p); safe_readstring; { char *sptr; if((sptr = strchr(response.p, ' '))) { if(response.fill > sptr-response.p+2) switch (sptr[1]) { case '3': relocate = TRUE; case '2': break; default: fprintf (stderr, "HTTP request failed: %s", sptr+1); /* '\n' is included */ http_failure; } else{ error("Too short response,"); http_failure; } } } /* If we are relocated, we need to look out for a Location header. */ got_location = FALSE; do { safe_readstring; /* Think about that: Should we really error out when we get nothing? Could be that the server forgot the trailing empty line... */ if (!strncasecmp(response.p, "Location: ", 10)) { /* It is a redirection! */ if(!win32_net_resolve_redirect(&response, &request_url, &purl)){ oom=1, http_failure; } if(!strcmp(purl.p, request_url.p)) { warning("relocated to very same place! trying request again without host port"); try_without_port = 1; } got_location = TRUE; } else { /* We got a header line (or the closing empty line). */ char *tmp; debug1("searching for header values... %s", response.p); /* Not sure if I want to bail out on error here. */ /* Also: What text encoding are these strings in? Doesn't need to be plain ASCII... */ get_header_string(&response, "content-type", &hd->content_type); get_header_string(&response, "icy-name", &hd->icy_name); get_header_string(&response, "icy-url", &hd->icy_url); /* watch out for icy-metaint */ if((tmp = get_header_val("icy-metaint", &response))) { hd->icy_interval = (off_t) atol(tmp); /* atoll ? */ debug1("got icy-metaint %li", (long int)hd->icy_interval); } } } while(response.p[0] != '\r' && response.p[0] != '\n'); } while(relocate && got_location && purl.fill && numrelocs++ < HTTP_MAX_RELOCATIONS); if(relocate) { if(!got_location) error("Server meant to redirect but failed to provide a location!"); else error1("Too many HTTP relocations (%i).", numrelocs); http_failure; } exit: /* The end as well as the exception handling point... */ if(oom) error("Apparently, I ran out of memory or had some bad input data..."); mpg123_free_string(&purl); mpg123_free_string(&host); mpg123_free_string(&port); mpg123_free_string(&path); mpg123_free_string(&request); mpg123_free_string(&response); mpg123_free_string(&request_url); mpg123_free_string(&httpauth1); if (ws.local_socket == SOCKET_ERROR || oom) return -1; else return 1; } #else int win32_net_http_open(char* url, struct httpdata *hd) { return -1; } #endif /*WANT_WIN32_SOCKETS */