/* eslint-env mocha */ 'use strict' /** * Module dependencies. */ const os = require('os') const assert = require('assert') const Speaker = require('../') const endianness = os.endianness() const opposite = endianness === 'LE' ? 'BE' : 'LE' describe('exports', function () { it('should export a Function', function () { assert.strictEqual('function', typeof Speaker) }) it('should have an "api_version" property', function () { assert(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Speaker, 'api_version')) assert('number', typeof Speaker.api_version) }) it('should have a "description" property', function () { assert(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Speaker, 'description')) assert('string', typeof Speaker.description) }) it('should have a "module_name" property', function () { assert(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Speaker, 'module_name')) assert('string', typeof Speaker.module_name) }) }) describe('Speaker', function () { it('should return a Speaker instance', function () { const s = new Speaker() assert(s instanceof Speaker) }) it('should be a writable stream', function () { const s = new Speaker() assert.strictEqual(s.writable, true) assert.notStrictEqual(s.readable, true) }) it('should emit an "open" event after the first write()', function (done) { const s = new Speaker() let called = false s.on('open', function () { called = true done() }) assert.strictEqual(called, false) s.write(Buffer.alloc(0)) }) it('should emit a "flush" event after end()', function (done) { const s = new Speaker() let called = false s.on('flush', function () { called = true done() }) assert.strictEqual(called, false) s.end(Buffer.alloc(0)) }) it('should emit a "close" event after end()', function (done) { this.slow(1000) const s = new Speaker() let called = false s.on('close', function () { called = true done() }) assert.strictEqual(called, false) s.end(Buffer.alloc(0)) }) it('should only emit one "close" event', function (done) { const s = new Speaker() let count = 0 s.on('close', function () { count++ }) assert.strictEqual(0, count) s.close() assert.strictEqual(1, count) s.close() assert.strictEqual(1, count) done() }) it('should accept a device option', function (done) { const s = new Speaker({ device: 'test' }) assert.strictEqual(s.device, 'test') s.on('close', done) s.end(Buffer.alloc(0)) }) it('should not throw an Error if native "endianness" is specified', function () { assert.doesNotThrow(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Speaker({ endianness: endianness }) }) }) it('should throw an Error if non-native "endianness" is specified', function () { assert.throws(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Speaker({ endianness: opposite }) }) }) it('should throw an Error if a non-supported "format" is specified', function (done) { const speaker = new Speaker({ bitDepth: 31, signed: true }) speaker.once('error', (err) => { assert.strictEqual('invalid PCM format specified', err.message) done() }) speaker.write('a') }) })