const EventEmitter = require('events'); const { sleep } = require('../libs/util.js'); const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const fs = require('fs'); const STATE_SPAWNED = 'spawned'; const STATE_READY = 'ready'; const STATE_PLAYING = 'playing'; const STATE_PAUSED = 'paused'; const STATE_FINISHED = 'finished'; const STATE_ERROR = 'error'; class Player extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.position = 0; = []; this.buffer = []; this.buffersize = 0; } async prepare(size, threshold) { logger.debug('preparing audio player...'); this.size = size; this.threshold = threshold; this.#reset(); await this.#spawnProcess(); } feed(buffer) { this.buffer.push(buffer); this.buffersize += buffer.length; if (this.isSpawned() && this.buffersize >= this.threshold) { this.#setState(STATE_READY); } } async play() { if (this.buffer === undefined || this.buffer.length === 0) { logger.warn('aborting playback of an empty buffer...'); return; } if (this.isPlaying()) { this.stop(); } await this.#spawnProcess(); this.process.stderr.on('data', (data) => { this.#setState(STATE_PLAYING); data = data.toString(); const position = data.toString().trim().split(' ')[0]; if (position.length === 0 || isNaN(position)) { return; } this.position = position; logger.debug('CURRENT POSITION: ' + this.position); }); this.process.stdin.on('error', (error) => { this.#setState(STATE_ERROR, error); }); while (true) { if (this.buffer.length === 0 && this.buffersize !== this.size) { await sleep(1); continue; } const tmp = this.buffer[0]; this.buffer.shift(); if (this.buffer.length === 0 && this.buffersize === this.size) { this.process.stdin.end(tmp); break; } this.process.stdin.write(tmp); } } async pause() { this.#reset(true); } async stop() { this.#reset(); } isSpawned() { return this.state === STATE_SPAWNED; } isReady() { return this.state === STATE_READY; } isPlaying() { return this.state === STATE_PLAYING; } isPaused() { return this.state === STATE_PAUSED; } isFinished() { return this.state === STATE_FINISHED; } hasError() { return this.state === STATE_ERROR; } async #spawnProcess() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.process !== undefined) { resolve(); } this.process = spawn("ffplay", ['-vn', '-nodisp', '-']); this.process.on('error', (error) => { this.#reset(); // TODO: try/catch error reject('error spawning process \'ffplay\': ' + error); }); this.process.on('exit', (code, signal) => { let msg = 'process \'ffplay\' exited with'; if (code !== undefined) { msg += ' code \'' + code + '\''; } else { msg += ' signal \'' + signal + '\''; } logger.debug(msg); this.#closeStdIO(); }); this.process.on('close', (code, signal) => { let msg = 'process \'ffplay\' closed with'; if (code !== undefined) { msg += ' code \'' + code + '\''; } else { msg += ' signal \'' + signal + '\''; } logger.debug(msg); this.process = undefined; }); this.process.on('spawn', () => {'spawned process \'ffplay\' (pid: ' + + ')...'); this.#setState(STATE_SPAWNED); resolve(); }); }); } #setState(state, data) { if (this.state === state) { return; } this.state = state; logger.debug('setting state of audio player to \'' + state + '\'...'); if ( { return; } logger.debug('emitting state of audio player...'); this.emit(state, data);; } #killProcess() { this.#closeStdIO(); if (this.process?.killed === false) { this.process.kill('SIGTERM'); } } #closeStdIO() { if (this.process?.stdio === undefined) { return; } logger.debug('closing all stdio streams of process \'ffplay\' (pid: ' + + ')...'); for (let index = 0; index < this.process.stdio.length; index++) { this.process.stdio[index].destroy(); } } #reset(keepBuffer) { this.#killProcess(); this.position = 0; = []; if (keepBuffer !== true) { this.buffer = []; this.buffersize = 0; } } } module.exports = Player;