const EventEmitter = require('events'); const AudioBuffer = require('./AudioBuffer.js'); class Player extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); } async prepare(stream, settings) { logger.debug('preparing audio player...'); = []; this.settings = settings; this.audiobuffer = new AudioBuffer(stream, this.settings); this.audiobuffer.on(constants.THRESHOLD, () => { this.#setState(constants.READY); }); this.audiobuffer.on('play', () => { this.#setState(constants.PLAYING); }); this.audiobuffer.on('pause', () => { this.#setState(constants.PAUSED); }); this.audiobuffer.on('close', () => { this.#setState(constants.STOPPED); }); } play() {; } pause() { this.audiobuffer.pause(); } async stop() { this.audiobuffer.stop(); } isReady() { return this.state === constants.READY; } isPlaying() { return this.state === constants.PLAYING; } isPaused() { return this.state === constants.PAUSED; } isFinished() { return this.state === constants.STOPPED; } hasError() { return this.state === constants.ERROR; } getProgress() { return this.audiobuffer?.getProgress() || 0; } #setState(state, data) { if (this.state === state) { return; } this.state = state; logger.debug('setting state of audio player to \'' + state + '\'...'); if ( { return; }; logger.debug('emitting state \'' + state + '\' of audio player...'); this.emit(this.state, { data: data }); this.emit(constants.STATECHANGE, { state: this.state, progress: this.getProgress() }); } } module.exports = Player;