const path = require('path'); const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const { tmpdir } = require('os'); const { unlink, open } = require('fs/promises'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); class PCMStream extends EventEmitter { constructor(file, start, format, channels, sampleRate) { super(); this.file = file; this.start = start || 0; this.discarded = 0; this.ffmpeg = { format: format || 'pcm_s16le', channels: channels || 2, sampleRate: sampleRate || 44100 }; this.fifo = {}; } async prepare() { if (this.file === undefined) { throw new Error('cannot prepare pcm stream from an undefined file'); } this.file = path.resolve(this.file); await this.#createFifo(); await this.#spawnFFmpeg(); await this.#readFifo(); } resume() { this.fifo?.stream.on('data', async (data) => { if (this.start === 0 || this.discarded >= this.start) { this.emit('data', data); return; } let tmp = data.length + this.discarded; if (tmp < this.start) { this.discarded = tmp; return; } tmp = this.start - this.discarded; this.discarded += tmp; data = data.slice(tmp); this.emit('data', data); }); this.fifo?.stream?.resume(); } pause() { this.fifo?.stream?.pause(); this.fifo?.stream?.removeAllListeners('data'); } isPaused() { return this.fifo?.stream?.isPaused(); } async #spawnFFmpeg() { if (this.file === undefined) { throw new Error('can not convert an undefined file to pcm'); } const args = [ '-y', '-i', this.file, '-acodec', this.ffmpeg.format, '-ac', this.ffmpeg.channels, '-ar', this.ffmpeg.sampleRate, '-f', 's16le', this.fifo.file ]; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.ffmpeg.process = spawn('ffmpeg', args); this.ffmpeg.process.on('spawn', () => { logger.debug('successfully spawned process \'ffmpeg\' (args: ' + args + ') for pcm conversion...'); this.ffmpeg.timestamp =; resolve(); }); this.ffmpeg.process.on('error', async (error) => { logger.error('encountered an error spawning process \'ffmpeg\' (args: ' + args + ') for pcm conversion: ' + error); await this.destroy(); reject(error); }); this.ffmpeg.process.on('close', async (code, signal) => { let msg = 'process \'ffmpeg\' (args: ' + args + ') closed'; if (code !== undefined) { msg += ' with code \'' + code + '\''; } else { msg += ' with signal \'' + signal + '\''; } msg += ' after ' + ( - this.ffmpeg.timestamp) + 'ms'; logger.debug(msg); await this.destroy(); this.emit('close'); }); }); } async #createFifo() { let fifo = path.join(tmpdir(), 'kannon.fifo'); try { await unlink(fifo); } catch (error) { logger.debug('theres no fifo file to delete...'); } this.fifo.process = spawn('mkfifo', [fifo]); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.fifo.process.on('spawn', () => { logger.debug('successfully spawned process \'mkfifo\' (args: ' + fifo + ')...'); this.fifo.file = fifo; }); this.fifo.process.on('error', async (error) => { logger.error('encountered an error spawning process \'mkfifo\' (args: \'' + fifo + '\'): ' + error); await this.destroy(); reject(error); }); this.fifo.process.on('close', (code, signal) => { let msg = 'process \'mkfifo\' (args: \'' + fifo + '\') closed'; if (code !== undefined) { msg += ' with code \'' + code + '\''; } else { msg += ' with signal ' + signal + '\''; } logger.debug(msg); resolve(); }); }); } async #readFifo() { if (this.fifo.file === undefined) { throw new Error('can not read from undefined fifo file'); } const timestamp =; this.fifo.fd = await open(this.fifo.file); = this.fifo.fd.createReadStream(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'error', async (error) => { logger.error('encountered an error reading from fifo file \'' + this.fifo + '\': ' + error); await this.destroy(); reject(error); });'close', () => { logger.debug('read stream for fifo file \'' + this.fifo.file + '\' closed after ' + ( - timestamp) + 'ms (read ' + + ' bytes)'); });'readable', () => {'readable'); resolve(); });'drain', () => { logger.warn('FIFO STREAM DRAINED'); }); }); } async #deleteFifo() { if (this.fifo.file === undefined) { return; } try { await unlink(this.fifo.file); } catch (error) { logger.error('encountered an error deleting the fifo file \'' + this.fifo.file + '\': ' + error); } } async destroy() { if (this.ffmpeg.process.killed != true) { this.ffmpeg.process.kill(); this.ffmpeg.process = undefined; } if (this.fifo.process.killed !== true) { this.fifo.process.kill(); this.fifo.process = undefined; } if ( !== true) {; = undefined; } if (this.fifo.fd.closed !== true) { this.fifo.fd.close(); this.fifo.fd = undefined; } await this.#deleteFifo(); this.destroyed = true; } } module.exports = PCMStream;