#!/usr/bin/env bash # author: Daniel Sommer # license: MIT # variables swappiness="25" tmpfs_size="1G" # execution printf "|>> executing debian install script...\n" [[ "$INSTALL_USERNAME" ]] && printf "|> username set to '$INSTALL_USERNAME' via environment variable'...\n" && user="$INSTALL_USERNAME" if [[ ! "$user" ]]; then read -p "|> enter your desired username: " user [[ ! "$user" ]] && printf "|> error: no username entered\n" && exit 1 fi [[ "$INSTALL_PASSWORD" ]] && printf "|> password set to '$(printf "$INSTALL_PASSWORD\n" | sed "s/./\*/g")' via environment variable'...\n" && password="$INSTALL_PASSWORD" if [[ ! "$password" ]]; then read -s -p "|> enter the password for '$user': " password && printf "\n" [[ ! "$password" ]] && printf "|> error: no password entered\n" && exit 1 read -s -p "|> confirm the password: " password_confirmation && printf "\n" [[ "$password_confirmation" != "$password" ]] && printf "|> error: passwords do not match\n" && exit 1 fi printf "|> removing motd...\n" rm -f "/etc/motd" printf "|> updating packages...\n" apt-get update -y printf "|> upgrading installed packages...\n" apt-get upgrade -y printf "|> installing base packages...\n" apt-get install -y \ sudo \ tzdata \ zsh \ htop \ iotop \ iftop \ neovim \ curl \ wget \ git \ unzip \ rsync \ dropbear \ openssh-client read -p "|> enter additional packages to install: " packages [[ "$packages" ]] && packages="$(printf "$packages" | tr '\n' ' ')" && apt-get install -y $packages printc "|> cleaning up...\n" apt-get clean -y apt-get autoremove --purge -y rm -rf "/var/cache/apt/*" printf "|> setting timezone...\n" rm -f "/etc/localtime" ln -s "/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin" "/etc/localtime" printf "|> changing shell from 'ash' to 'zsh'...\n" sed -i "s/\/bin\/bash/\/bin\/zsh/g" "/etc/passwd" printf "|> creating user '$user'...\n" useradd -m -g users -s "/bin/zsh" "$user" printf "|> setting password for user '$user'...\n" echo -e "$password\n$password" | passwd "$user" printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'disk'...\n" && addgroup "$user" disk > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'lp'...\n" && addgroup "$user" lp > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'wheel'...\n" && addgroup "$user" wheel > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'floppy'...\n" && addgroup "$user" floppy > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'audio'...\n" && addgroup "$user" audio > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'cdrom'...\n" && addgroup "$user" cdrom > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'dialout'...\n" && addgroup "$user" dialout > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'tape'...\n" && addgroup "$user" tape > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'video'...\n" && addgroup "$user" video > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'netdev'...\n" && addgroup "$user" netdev > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'games'...\n" && addgroup "$user" games > /dev/null printf "|> adding user '$user' to group 'sudo'...\n" && addgroup "$user" sudo > /dev/null printf "|> modifying sudoers...\n" sed -i "s/# %sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL/%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL/" "/etc/sudoers" #printf "|> disabling root login via ssh...\n" #sed -i "s/DROPBEAR_OPTS.*/DROPBEAR_OPTS=\"-w\"/" "/etc/conf.d/dropbear" [[ -r "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys" ]] && printf "|> moving authorized ssh keys from '$USER' to '$user'...\n" && mkdir -p "/home/$user/.ssh" &> /dev/null && mv "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys" "/home/$user/.ssh/authorized_keys" && chown -R "$user":users "/home/$user/.ssh" printf "|> creating dropbear keys...\n" mkdir -p "/etc/dropbear" &> /dev/null dropbearkey -t "rsa" -s "4096" -f "/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key" dropbearkey -t "dss" -s "1024" -f "/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key" dropbearkey -t "ecdsa" -s "521" -f "/etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key" printf "|> disabling sshd...\n" systemctl disable sshd printf "|> enabling and starting dropbear...\n" systemctl enable dropbear --now [[ "$swappiness" ]] && printf "|> tuning swappiness...\n" && printf "vm.swappiness="$swappiness"" > "/etc/sysctl.d/99-swappiness.conf" printf "|> cleaning '/etc/fstab'...\n" rm -rf "/etc/fstab" touch "/etc/fstab" options="defaults,noatime" [[ "$tmpfs_size" ]] && options="$options,size=$tmpfs_size" printf "|> setting up '/var/cache' as tmpfs...\n" && rm -rf "/var/cache/*" &> /dev/null && printf "cache\t/var/cache\ttmpfs\t$options 0 0\n" >> "/etc/fstab" printf "|> setting up '/var/log' as tmpfs...\n" && rm -rf "/var/log/*" &> /dev/null && printf "logs\t/var/log\ttmpfs\t$options 0 0\n" >> "/etc/fstab" printf "|> setting up '/tmp' as tmpfs...\n" && rm -rf "/tmp/*" &> /dev/null && printf "tmp\t/tmp\ttmpfs\t$options,mode=1777 0 0\n" >> "/etc/fstab" printf "|> remounting '/etc/fstab' entries...\n" mount -a printf "|> customizing environment...\n" git clone -b "lxc-alpine" "https://git.velvettear.de/velvettear/etc.git" "/etc/velvettear" chown -R "$user":users "/etc/velvettear" ln -s "/etc/velvettear/shell/zshrc.sh" "/home/$user/.zshrc" ln -s "/etc/velvettear/shell/zshrc_root.sh" "/root/.zshrc" ln -s "/etc/velvettear/shell/zprofile" "/home/$user/.zprofile" ln -s "/etc/velvettear/shell/zprofile" "/root/.zprofile" printf "|>> debian install script finished!\n" printf "|>> remote access: 'ssh $user@$(ip -f inet -o address | awk '/eth0/ {print $4}' | cut -d "/" -f1)'\n" read -p "|> would you like to delete the install script? [YES/no] " prompt [[ "$prompt" ]] && prompt="${prompt,,}" [[ ! "$prompt" ]] || [[ "$prompt" == "y" ]] || [[ "prompt" == "yes" ]] && printf "|> deleting script '$0'...\n" && rm -f "$0" read -p "|> would you like to reboot now? [YES/no] " prompt [[ "$prompt" ]] && prompt="${prompt,,}" [[ ! "$prompt" ]] || [[ "$prompt" == "y" ]] || [[ "$prompt" == "yes" ]] && printf "|> rebooting now!\n" && reboot