# remex execute local commands remotely via http requests ## requirements - node.js - [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) ## setup (as root) - install nvm - to load nvm restart your terminal or `source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh` - clone the project (to '/opt/remex') `git clone https://git.velvettear.de/velvettear/remex.git /opt/remex` - install and switch to a supported node.js version (automatically done via .nvmrc file) `nvm install` - install the required modules `npm install` - switch back to your system's default node.js version `nvm deactivate` - execute remex `nvm run remex.js` ## systemd **for security reasons it is highly recommended to not run remex with root permissions!** - create a new system user `useradd -U -r -s /usr/bin/nologin node` - make your install of nvm available to the new user `cp -R ~/.nvm /opt/nvm` `chown -R node /opt/nvm` - symlink the provided systemd-service file and modify it according to your needs `ln -s /opt/remex/remex.service /etc/systemd/system/remex.service` - reload systemd-services `systemctl daemon-reload` - enable and start remex as a systemd-service `systemctl enable --now remex` ## configuration configuration is done entirely within the file `config.json`. ### server: [*object*] - address: [*string*] server address to listen on (`` to listen on all interfaces) - port: [*number*] port to listen on ### log: [*object*] - level: [*string*] verbosity of the log; either `debug`, `info`, `warning` or `error` - timestamp: [*string*] format string for the timestamp; review [moment.js](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for further information ### api: [*object-array*] - url: [*string*] url of the endpoint - type: [*string*] http request method for the endpoint (either `get` or `post`) - command: [*string*] command / path to script to execute - args: [*string-array*] arguments to pass to the executed command - timeout [*number*] max amount of time in milliseconds until the executed command times out and gets killed - detach [*boolean*] detach from the executed command - unique [*boolean* or *string*] if set to `true` the command can not be executed again until it has finished; if set to `restart` the command will be killed (if active) and started again; if set to `toggle` the command will either be killed if active or started if not active