2023-11-16 15:26:24 +01:00

105 lines
3 KiB

package images
// import (
// "runtime"
// "strconv"
// "sync"
// "time"
// ""
// ""
// )
// // cache for scaled images
// var cache []scaledImage
// // timestamp of the next cache rotation
// var NextRotation time.Time
// // get the previous image from the history and set it as the first scaled image in the cache
// func SetPreviousImage() error {
// previousImage, error := getLatestFromHistory()
// if error != nil {
// return error
// }
// var tmpCache []scaledImage
// tmpCache = append(tmpCache, previousImage)
// tmpCache = append(tmpCache, cache...)
// cache = tmpCache
// tmpCache = nil
// return nil
// }
// // get the first scaled image from the cache
// func GetCachedImage() scaledImage {
// return cache[0]
// }
// // replace the first element in the cache with the last one and add a new scaled image to the cache
// func RotateCache() {
// addToHistory(GetCachedImage())
// loggo.Debug("removing first element from image cache...")
// cacheSize := len(cache)
// if cacheSize == 1 {
// cache = nil
// cacheImages()
// return
// }
// cacheSize--
// cache[0] = cache[cacheSize]
// cache = cache[:cacheSize]
// go cacheImages()
// }
// // start the "slideshow" in a goroutine - rotate the cache based on the set interval
// func startSlideshow() {
// go func() {
// interval := time.Duration(config.GetImageSlideshowInterval()) * time.Second
// for {
// NextRotation = time.Now().Add(interval)
// time.Sleep(interval)
// RotateCache()
// }
// }()
// }
// // fill the cache with scaled images
// func cacheImages() {
// timestamp := time.Now().UnixMilli()
// imageCount := len(images)
// cacheSize := len(cache)
// cacheLimit := config.GetImageCache()
// if imageCount < cacheLimit {
// cacheLimit = imageCount
// }
// imagesToCache := cacheLimit - cacheSize
// if imagesToCache <= 0 {
// return
// }
// concurrency := runtime.NumCPU()
// if imagesToCache < concurrency {
// concurrency = imagesToCache
// }
// loggo.Debug("filling image cache with "+strconv.Itoa(imagesToCache)+" element(s)", "concurrency: "+strconv.Itoa(concurrency))
// var waitgroup sync.WaitGroup
// waitgroup.Add(imagesToCache)
// channel := make(chan struct{}, concurrency)
// var cached int
// for cached = 0; cached < imagesToCache; cached++ {
// channel <- struct{}{}
// var randomScaledImage scaledImage
// randomScaledImage.Name = getRandomImage()
// if randomScaledImage.isCached() {
// continue
// }
// go func(randomScaledImage scaledImage) {
// randomScaledImage.Data = scale(randomScaledImage.Name, config.GetImageWidth(), config.GetImageHeight())
// cache = append(cache, randomScaledImage)
// loggo.Debug("added scaled image '" + randomScaledImage.Name + "' to cache")
// <-channel
// waitgroup.Done()
// }(randomScaledImage)
// }
// waitgroup.Wait()
// loggo.DebugTimed("filled image cache with "+strconv.Itoa(cached)+" images", timestamp)
// }