#!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash # author: Daniel Sommer # license: MIT # exit on error set -e printf "> upgrading installed packages...\n" pkg upgrade printf "> changing repositories...\n" termux-change-repo printf "> installing additional packages...\n" pkg install wget curl tsu htop neovim git zsh openssh rsync printf "> cleaning package cache...\n" pkg autoclean pkg clean printf "> cleaning motd...\n" printf "" > "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/motd" printf "> changing shell to 'zsh'...\n" chsh -s "zsh" printf "> configuring git...\n" git config --global user.name "velvettear" git config --global user.email "daniel.sommer@velvettear.de" git config --global credential.helper store printf "> cloning git repository...\n" git clone --recursive "https://git.velvettear.de/velvettear/termux.git" "$HOME/tmp" printf "> moving files and cleaning up...\n" rsync -av "$HOME/tmp/" "$HOME" rm -rf "$HOME/tmp" read -p "> script executed successfully - restart termux now!"